资深设计师 10000以上
静安区| 经验5 年| 学历本科| 类型不限| 年龄:16 - 0


  • 社保五险
  • 公积金
  • 每周双休


5+ years of experience in an agency or design experience; Be curious and eager to learn; Capable to collaborate within team settings, with basic spoken Chinese and English skills; Be curious or experienced in using Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and other AIGC solutions; Advanced background in Adobe Creative Suit or surprise us with emerging design tools that you are good at; Medium command in 3D modelling and rendering software; Familiarity with office software, such as Keynote, Pages, etc.; Advanced knowledge in digital graphic designs, with a focus on social media; Have an understanding and possess modern approaches to building VI system; A portfolio that clearly demonstrates creativity, quality and proficiency with design tools. 5年以上⼯作/设计经验; 有好奇⼼,不断学习; 能够进⾏团队合作,具备基本的普通话和英语⼝语能⼒; 对于新晋的⽣成式的解决⽅案充满好奇⼼或是已经有⼀定使⽤基础; 够熟练运⽤常规的Adobe设计软件,或者也欢迎跟我们展示你熟练运⽤的其他新兴设计软件; 有基础的3D软件经验,能处理基础的3D建模,材质以及渲染任务; 研究⾏业内外的新⽅法,从中学习并应⽤于公司和客户的业务当中; 熟悉办公软件的操作,如Microsoft Office、Keynote、Pages等; 对于数字图形设计有⾃⼰的经验和⻅解,尤其熟知在社交媒体上; 有⼀定的VI设计经验,有⼀套符合时代的打造VI系统的⽅法论和能⼒; 有能够展示创造⼒、品质和对设计软件熟练操作能⼒的作品集。


面试地址:上海市静安区万航渡路731号1号楼407-408室 查看地图
联系电话: 点击查看

公司招聘职位 (1)

资深设计师 招1 人 10000以上
经验5 年| 学历本科| 广州静安区 2024/9/19